HUB ALI,ST Ph.M : SMS/WA:081533188336(INDOSAT) HP:085297399316(TELKOMSEL) PIN BB:24A70143 & 75935E8C

Senin, 10 Februari 2014



1 . Pour boiled water & heat , about 80 C or hot water from the dispenser / thermos in a cup
2 . Sprinkle 1 teaspoon of black BlessTea . Allow a few moments for the content of soluble tea
3 . Stir before drinking . If necessary first filtered
4 . Drink while warm for optimal benefit ( at least 3-4 cups a day )
5 . May add lemon and / or honey

How to order: SMS to +6281 533 188 336  , write : Message Blesstea Black Tea , Bottle Number , Name and Address Inquiry Complete ( to determine shipping cost)
Example SMS :
Message Blesstea Black Tea , 3 Bottles , Anwar Khaeruddin , Jl . Kyai Maja No . 50 Ex . Sacred Pela - South Jakarta 12130
And we will reply your SMS for data transfer and Black Tea Package Delivery confirmation Blesstea to you .
PRICE = $20
For night time , you can still order your SMS in the morning and we will reply to your SMS .

HUB : ALI , ST HP : +6285297399316 (Telkomsel ) / +6281 533 188 336 (Indosat ) BB PIN : 24A70143 price plus the cost of TIKI OR FEEDEX for local masing2 throughout Indonesia and international . VERIFIED MEMBER AND DINO STORE MARKET PLACE ORDER BANK TRANSFER TO PLEASE NO SHARIA BRI Rek : 1004365662 A / N MOHD MUKTI SYAHALI OR WESTERN UNION A/N MUHAMMAD MUKTI SYAHALI

Our business principle is to provide maximum benefit not only for customers but also all people . Values
​​that we hold dear is customer excellence and blessing and mercy and compassion for all beings , God willing , Amen.

Bless Tea or Black Tea is in the fermentation process is longer than green tea and white tea . This fermentation process simple change of flavonoid compounds ( flavonoids simple ) called catechins ( green tea are widely conceived ) , into complex compounds theaflavins and thearubigins .
Bless Tea is one of the best Black Tea is produced from high berkatekin superior Kion . When Bless Tea drinking regularly at least 4 cups a day will be able to prevent and treat diseases associated with Cholesterol, atherosclerosis , HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE , ASTHMA , DIABETES , also reduces the risk of Stroke , Obesity , facilitate the digestive process , and good for the smokers .
Bless Tea Latin Name : Camellia Sinensis Var . assamica
The place grew : the Regional Cool 1200 asl
Best part : Shoots Leaves ( Peko )
Tea Ingredients :
Catechin : epicatechin ( EC ) , Epiketekin error ( ECG ) , Epigalo Ketekin ( EGC ) , Epigalo Catechins Error ( EGCG ) , Theaflavins ( Only found in tea Black )
Vitamins : B1 , B2 , C , E and K
Minerals : Fluorine , Manganese , Calcium , Potassium and Potassium
Efficacy Bless Tea - Black Tea :
01 . Lowering cholesterol and risk of heart attack
02 . Prevent the narrowing of blood vessels
03 . lowering Hypertension
04 . Minimize the risk of stroke
05 . Lowering blood sugar levels in diabetes
06 . Increase metabolism
07 . Slimming & maintain ideal weight
08 . Anti -aging
09 . prevent osteoporosis
10 . Prevent cavities , bad breath and mouth ulcer
11 . Meredahkan Stress
12 . Increasing the power of thought and concentration
13 . Coping with viral infections , bacterial & fungal
14 . boost the body's immunity
15 . Increase Stamina ( Vitality ) & Libido
16 . Prevent and decrease uric acid
17 . Meredahkan migraine and vertigo
18 . lowers the risk of prostate cancer , uterine , breast , etc.
19 . Reduce the risk of negative smoking
20 . Beneficial for patients with asthma / sinustisis
Bless Tea , black tea orthodox dg best Indonesian high catechin content that efficacious reducing cholesterol , lowering blood sugar levels , etc. .
Age 34 Years

Initially I know Blesstea of my bladder brother named Ade Miftahudin , when it is a field in which every event family collection family collection I always use two- wheel vehicles , At that time, the way to set my family caught in the rain , when the weather is frequent rain . When he met his sister giving one (1) Sheet Blesstea , I guess it Blesstea Tea Fair . I advised her sister in a drink before going to bed , I followed the advice of my sister before bed drinking tea Blesstea . In the morning Thank God I felt my whole body feel good and fresh that I usually when I wake up often experience dizziness . but at that time I did not have to worry anymore .
Until now I still consume Blesstea Every Day 3 x .
For Friends Friends who have not felt the efficacy Bless tea . Could Prove it ..! !
Regards ,
Thank Bless tea
Experience of bapk . Bagja Sudija - CIKAMPEK , JABAR
After drinking Bless Tea regularly every morning and afternoon , and apalgi drink BlessTea between the hours of 16 to 20 o'clock in addition to a day I drink between 4-5 cups , once the results are terrible .
It used to be that I usually get up in the morning alone , now after I finished drinking BlessTea always " wake up both "
Bless Tea emang terrible ... Thank you BlessTea . Thank you my darling wife .
Diabetes mellitus & CHOLESTEROL recovered
Mother of SRI SUSILASTUTI UTAMI , 60 yrs . Surabaya.

" I am a woman aged 60 thn.dan overweight ( 14 kg ) of normal weight . So my many suffer from various diseases , dianataranya ; Diabetes mellitus , High Uric Acid , and Liming knees , so it becomes routine visit to a doctor and the laboratory , lab results . the last of my blood sugar levels reach 510 and right eye blurry , plus cholesterol , what is the cost incurred yg.harus . upon a time I should be in the hospital sector in hospitalization , and by chance my friend advised me to visit and consume the Bless Tea 3-4 cups a day , for 3 months I Bless Tea consumption and magical ! normal my blood sugar levels , including cholesterol and uric acid "

High blood , lungs & Shortness of Breath
Tumiran Ahmad , 76 years old, New Mataram , Lampung .

I was already advanced age ± 76 years , but in this twilight age already there I experienced the heavy burden that the disease is already 6 years , while the illness I suffered there are 3 kinds of high blood , lungs and shortness of breath . Already a variety of drugs , herbs and other potions I drink . Went to the doctor , doctor to doctor one another , but my illness does not go away , so that all the activities , work , etc. I can not do . Thank God there is one day a friend brought black tea Blesstea and I recommended to try it . Finally, I try to buy one bottle and I drank in accordance with the instructions. It is remarkable after I drank with routine 3 times a day for 2 weeks , my disease gradually recovered . What was once a week once my doctor , not anymore . 2 months I drink black tea , now I can re-do activity . Although it has not healed 100 % but it was very much reduce the pain that I have experienced so far . Thank you Bless tea .

The experience of Mr. . Karli Tjahjono ( 51 yrs ) & Mrs. Rosdiana ( 49thn )
Young Future Vitality
At the time we were young , we were very active sex . Generally in the night we can do it up to 3 times . But unfortunately , I can not last long . Usually every action , only lasted about 5 minutes .
Vitality of Old Age
Performance relationship with his wife is still about 5 minutes . The new entrance door kadang2 er was out again . After that loyonya lamaaaa once deh , can ngak up again !
My wife says that I am also not as hard as when younger . Often there is a willingness to dive , but no power .. Sad too ya ....
Vitality Old Age after drinking Bless Tea
1 . I am able to pump more than 150 times . Wife to ampun2 order soon sata who are squatting final kick .
2 . Young first time , when I was under it when diving directly arise again ( straight over) . After drinking Bless Tea , uh I could diving to 20 minutes .
3 . After drinking Bless Tea , morning I woke up both / together with a " sister " I
I started drinking regularly Bless Tea since 27 September 2010 . I drink way is to brew 1 BlessTea spoon into hot water 300cc . Can be up to 4 cups a day : morning , noon , afternoon , and evening . I enjoyed it with a sip slowly when BlessTea still warm .
Thus my experience , may be useful for you .
LILY Sukamta mother , 64 yrs . Cengkareng Jakarta .
I am a person who does not want to waste my time and although age is 64 years old but still in the spirit of the activity. But I have a problem that fluctuating blood pressure . My blood pressure fluctuated between 150-80/140-90 and my blood sugar 325 . It makes sometimes - sometimes disrupted activity . One day I was introduced Blesstea black tea product by a friend and also explained that Blesstea black tea is very beneficial for health . So I was very interested in the explanation my friend . So not a lot of my comments directly buy and consume black tea Blesstea .
During the 4 months ( from March 08 s / d June 08 ) I consume black tea Blesstea , I drink 3-4 cups a day , and after checking my blood pressure as a result of normal 130/80 and my blood sugar after eating the highest 185 .
That is my testimony so now in addition to my catering business smoothly , blood pressure and normal blood sugar also fit body , I am more keen to invite relatives and friends - friends to join together Proficient with black tea products Blesstea .
Bp . Muhammad Yani , 33 yrs . Surabaya.
It's really suffering when allergy attack , contact with cold sneezing and swollen skin - swelling , especially if such a monster can upfront . Various drugs and doctors have been tried but the results are not as expected . One day I was offered Bless Tea , and my consumption as recommended during this month and as a result had been no complaints on how I feel anymore . And I became overweight regular turun.Luar Bless tea!



Harga : RP100.000 + ongkos kirim untuk daerah masing2. HUB ALI HP : 085297399316 (TELKOMSEL) / 081533188336 (INDOSAT) / PIN BB: 24A70143 DAN WHATS APP : +6281533188336 INFO LENGKAP KLIK = http://www.blessteareal.blogspot.comBless Tea atau Teh  Hitam yang di proses fermentasi yang lebih lama dibanding teh hijau dan teh putih. Proses fermentasi ini mengubah senyawa simple flavonoid  (flavonoid sederhana) yang disebut dengan katekin (biasanya banyak dikandung teh hijau), menjadi senyawa kompleks theaflavin  dan thearubigins.
Bless Tea adalah salah satu Teh Hitam terbaik yang diproduksi dari kion unggul berkatekin tinggi. Bila Bless Tea di minum secara teratur minimal 4 cangkir sehari akan dapat mencegah dan mengatasi penyakit yang berkaitan dengan KOLESTEROL, ARTEROSKLEROSIS, TEKANAN DARAH TINGGI, ASMA, DIABETES, juga mengurangi resiko STROKE, OBESITAS, memperlancar proses PENCERNAAN, dan baik bagi para PEROKOK.

Nama Latin Bless Tea : Camellia Sinensis Var. Assamica
Tempat tumbuh : Daerah Sejuk 1200 dpl
Bagian Terbaik : Pucuk Daun (Peko)
Kandungan Teh :
Katekin : Epikatekin (EC), Epiketekin Galat (ECG), Epigalo Ketekin (EGC), Epigalo Katekin Galat (EGCG),Theaflavin (Hanya terdapat pada teh Hitam)
Vitamin : B1, B2, C, E dan K
Mineral : Fluor, Mangan, Kalsium, Potassium dan Kalium
Khasiat Bless Tea - Teh Hitam :
01. Menurunkan Kolestrol & resiko serangan Jantung
02. Mencegah penyempitan pembuluh darah
03. Menurunkan Hipertensi
04. Memperkecil resiko stroke
05. Menurunkan kadar gula pada diabetes
06. Meningkatkan metabolisme tubuh
07. Melangsingkan & menjaga berat badan ideal
08. Anti penuaan dini
09. Menghambat osteoporosis
10. Mencegah gigi berlubang, bau mulut & sariawan
11. Meredahkan Stress
12. Meningkatkan daya pikir & konsentrasi
13. Mengatasi infeksi virus, bakteri & jamur
14. meingkatkan imunitas tubuh
15. Meningkatkan Stamina (Vitalitas) & Libido
16. Mencegah & menurunkan asam urat
17. Meredahkan migrain & vertigo
18. menurunkan resiko kanker prostat, rahim , payudara dll
19. Mengurangi resiko negatif merokok
20. Bermanfaat bagi penderita asma / sinustisis
Bless Tea, teh hitam orthodox terbaik Indonesia dg kandungan katekin tinggi yg berkhasiat mengurangi kolesterol, menurunkan kadar gula dalam darah, dll.
Umur 34 Tahun

Awalnya saya mengenal Blesstea dari Kakak Kandung saya yang bernama Ade Miftahudin, Ketika itu sedang ada acara kumpulan keluarga dimana setiap acara kumpulan keluarga saya selalu menggunakan Kendaraan Roda dua, Pada Waktu itu dalam perjalanan ke tempat Kumpulan keluarga saya kehujanan, pada waktu cuaca sering Hujan. Ketika bertemu kakaknya beliau memberikan 1(satu) Sheet Blesstea, saya kira Blesstea itu Teh Biasa. Kakaknya saya menyarankan di minum  sebelum tidur, saya mengikuti saran dari kakak sebelum tidur saya minum Teh Blesstea. Pada Pagi harinya Alhamdulillah saya merasakan seluruh badan saya merasa enak dan segar yang biasanya saya ketika bangun tidur sering mengalami pusing. tapi pada waktu itu saya tidak mengalami pusing lagi.
Sampai sekarang saya masih mengkonsumsi Blesstea Setiap Hari  3 x.
Bagi Teman Teman yang belum merasakan khasiat Bless tea. Bisa Membuktikannya..!!!!
Terimakasih Bless tea
Pengalaman dari bapk. Bagja Sudija - CIKAMPEK, JABAR
Setelah minum Bless Tea secara rutin setiap pagi dan siang serta apalgi minum BlessTea antara pukul 16 sd pukul 20 sebagai tambahan sehingga sehari saya minum antara 4- 5 gelas, maka hasilnya dasyat sekali.
Dulu yang biasanya saya bagun pagi sendirian, kini setelah minum BlessTea saya jadi selalu"bangun berdua"
Bless Tea emang dasyat... Terima kasih BlessTea. Terima Kasih istriku tercinta.
Ibu SRI SUSILASTUTI UTAMI, 60 thn. Surabaya.

" Saya wanita berumur 60 thn.dan kelebihan berat badan ( 14 kg ) dari berat normal. Sehingga saya banyak menderita berbagai penyakit, dianataranya ; Diabetes Militus, Asam Urat Tinggi, serta Pengapuran dilutut, sehingga menjadi kegiatan rutin berkunjung kedokter dan laboraturium, hasil lab.terakhir kadar gula darah saya mencapai 510 dan mata kanan kabur, ditambah kolesterol, berapa biaya yg.harus dikeluarkan. Pada suatu hari saya harus di opname disuatu RS, dan kebetulan teman saya menjenguk dan menganjurkan saya untuk mengkonsumsi Bless Tea 3 – 4 cangkir sehari, selama 3 bulan saya konsumsi Bless Tea dan ajaib ! kadar gula darah saya normal, termasuk kolesterol dan asam urat "

Darah Tinggi, Paru-paru & Sesak Napas
Ahmad Tumiran, 76 th, Mataram Baru, Lampung.

Usia saya memang sudah lanjut ± 76 tahun, namun di usia yang sudah senja ini ada beban berat yang saya alami yakni penyakit yang sudah 6 tahun lamanya, adapun penyakit yang saya derita ada 3 macam yaitu darah tinggi, paru-paru dan sesak napas. Sudah bermacam-macam obat, jamu dan ramuan-ramuan lain saya minum. Berobat ke dokter, dari dokter yang satu ke dokter yang lain, namun penyakit saya tidak kunjung sembuh, sehingga semua aktifitas, pekerjaan dan lain-lain tidak bisa saya lakukan. Alhamdulillah suatu hari ada teman membawa teh hitam Blesstea dan saya dianjurkan untuk mencobanya. Akhirnya saya coba beli 1 botol dan saya minum sesuai dengan petunjuknya. Sungguh luar biasa setelah saya minum dengan rutin 3x sehari selama 2 minggu, penyakit saya berangsur-angsur sembuh. Yang dulu seminggu sekali saya ke dokter, sekarang tidak lagi. 2 bulan lamanya saya minum teh hitam ini, kini aktifitas saya bisa dilakukan kembali. Walaupun belum sembuh 100% namun sudah sangat banyak mengurangi derita yang saya alami selama ini. Terima kasih Bless tea.

Pengalaman dari Bpk. Karli Tjahjono (51 thn) & Ibu Rosdiana (49thn)
Vitalitas Masa Muda
Pada waktu kami masih muda, kami aktif sekali berhubungan badan. Umumnya dalam semalaman kami dapat melakukannya sampai 3 kali. Namun sayangnya, saya tidak dapat bertahan lama. Biasanya setiap kali action, hanya bertahan sekitar 5 menit.
Vitalitas Masa Tua
Kinerja hubungan dengan istri juga masih sekitar 5 menit. Kadang2 baru masuk pintu eh sudah keluar lagi. Setelah itu loyonya lamaaaa sekali deh, bisa ngak bangun lagi !
Istriku berkata bahwa saya juga tidak sekeras waktu muda. Seringkali ada kemauan untuk menyelam, tetapi tidak ada tenaga.. Sedih juga nih....
Vitalitas Masa Tua setelah minum Bless Tea
1. Saya sanggup memompa lebih dari 150 kali. Istri sampai ampun2 agar sata yang sedang jongkok segera melakukan tendangan final.
2. Dulu waktu muda, kalau saya di bawah maka ketika nyelam langsung timbul lagi (langsung selesai). Setelah minum Bless Tea, eh saya sanggup nyelam sampai 20 menit.
3. Setelah minum Bless Tea, pagi hari saya bangun berdua/bersama dengan "adik" saya
Saya mulai rutin minum Bless Tea sejak 27 September 2010. Cara saya minum adalah dengan menyeduh 1 sendok BlessTea ke dalam 300cc air panas. Sehari bisa sampai 4 gelas : pagi, siang, sore, dan malam. Saya menikmatinya dengan menyeruputnya perlahan-lahan ketika BlessTea masih hangat.
Demikian pengalaman saya, semoga bermanfaat bagi Anda.
Ibu LILY SUKAMTA, 64 thn. Cengkareng Jakarta.
Saya orang yang tidak mau menyia-nyiakan waktu dan walaupun usia saya 64 tahun tapi tetap semangat dalam beraktifitas. Tetapi saya punya problem yaitu tekanan darah yang turun naik. Tekanan darah saya turun naik antara 150-80/140-90 dan tekanan gula darah saya 325. Ini membuat kadang – kadang aktifitas terganggu. Suatu hari saya diperkenalkan produk teh hitam Blesstea oleh seorang kawan dan juga dijelaskan bahwa teh hitam Blesstea sangat bermanfaat bagi kesehatan. Maka saya sangat tertarik akan penjelasan kawan saya. Maka tidak banyak komentar saya langsung membeli teh hitam Blesstea dan mengkonsumsinya.
Selama 4 bulan (dari Maret 08 s/d Juni 08) saya mengkonsumsi teh hitam Blesstea, sehari 3-4 gelas saya meminumnya, dan setelah dicek alhasil tekanan darah saya normal 130/80 dan gula darah saya paling tinggi sesudah makan 185.
Demikianlah kesaksian saya sehingga sekarang selain usaha catering saya lancar, tekanan darah dan gula darah normal juga badan fit, sekarang saya lebih giat mengajak saudara dan teman – teman untuk bergabung bersama Cakap dengan produknya teh hitam Blesstea.
Bp. MUHAMMAD YANI, 33 thn. Surabaya.
Sungguh sangat menderita bila alergi menyerang, kena hawa dingin bersin-bersin dan kulit bengkak – bengkak, apalagi bila dimuka bisa seperti monster. Berbagai obat dan dokter sudah dicoba tapi hasilnya belum seperti yang diharapkan. Suatu hari saya ditawari Bless Tea, dan saya konsumsi sesuai yang dianjurkan selama sebulan ini dan alhasil keluhan diatas tadi sudah tidak saya rasakan lagi. Dan kelebihan berat badan sayapun turun.Luar biasa Bless tea !

Jumat, 07 Februari 2014



BLESS TEA . History records that the tea has been drunk by humans Leih than 5,000 years ago . Today , more than 3.5 billion cups of tea are consumed each day around the world . Tea is consumed every day for a variety of health benefits . Even the Indonesian black tea ( BLESS TEA ) ranks third best in the world !

Today we present to you Black Tea BlessTea
Why Black tea BlessTea

BlessTea made ​​of 3 Camellia Sinensis leaf tea varieties assamica . Superior species planted at an altitude of 1,200 m . BlessTea contain bio-active compounds and high polyphenol enzymatic oxidation processed , so it has a fragrant aroma and strong colors .

Why BlessTea produced from 3 leaf tea ?
This is not out of the health benefits . From 3 leaf tea contains many antioxidants it is in the form of a class of polyphenolic catechins ( Epigallokatekin error / EGCG , Epigallokatekin / EGC , epicatechin error / ECG , epicatechin / EC and Catechins / C ) are high in antioxidants as well as new derivatives appear only in the process of making black tea , which is Theaflavins and Thearubugin . Also contained a variety of vitamins and minerals in it like vitamins B1 , B2 , C , E , K , beta carotene , Magnesium , Manganese , Fluoride , Zinc , Selenium and Calcium .

Efficacy BLESS TEA
1 . Lowering cholesterol and risk of heart attack
2 . prevent atherosclerosis
3 . reduce hypertension
4 . Minimize the risk of stroke
5 . Have anti- diabetic benefits
6 . Anti - cancer
7 . Increase metabolism
8 . Helps streamline the body and maintain the Ideal Body Weight
9 . Improve stamina ( vitality )
10 . Increase the power of thought and alertness Relieves stress
11 . Reduce the risk of decline in the power of thought
12 . Increase endurance
13 . Overcoming bacterial and fungal infections
14 . Preventing dental caries and bad breath / halitosis
15 . As a health drink and anti-aging
16 . Against HIV virus
17 . Maintaining the health of others , such as osteoporosisn ( bone loss ) , lower uric acid , relieving migraine , etc.
18 . Help resolve the problem :
• Heart
• High Darang
• Diabetes
• Cholesterol
• Migraine
• Sinusitis
• Asthma & Maag
• Uric Acid
• Rheumatic
• Liver / Lever
• Constipation
• Heavy smokers
• Pain coming months
19 . Benefits leaf pulp :
• Cleansing and moisturizing face
• Compress tired eyes / puffiness
• Compress burns / injuries fall
• Acne
• Organic Fertilizer
• Animal feed

1 . Pour boiled water & heat , about 80 C or hot water from the dispenser / thermos in a cup
2 . Sprinkle 1 teaspoon of black BlessTea . Allow a few moments for the content of soluble tea
3 . Stir before drinking . If necessary first filtered
4 . Drink while warm for optimal benefit ( at least 3-4 cups a day )
5 . May add lemon and / or honey

How to order: SMS to +6281 533 188 336  , write : Message Blesstea Black Tea , Bottle Number , Name and Address Inquiry Complete ( to determine shipping cost)
Example SMS :
Message Blesstea Black Tea , 3 Bottles , Anwar Khaeruddin , Jl . Kyai Maja No . 50 Ex . Sacred Pela - South Jakarta 12130
And we will reply your SMS for data transfer and Black Tea Package Delivery confirmation Blesstea to you .
PRICE = $20
For night time , you can still order your SMS in the morning and we will reply to your SMS .

HUB : ALI , ST HP : +6285297399316 (Telkomsel ) / +6281 533 188 336 (Indosat ) BB PIN : 24A70143 price plus the cost of TIKI OR FEEDEX for local masing2 throughout Indonesia and international . VERIFIED MEMBER AND DINO STORE MARKET PLACE ORDER BANK TRANSFER TO PLEASE NO SHARIA BRI Rek : 1004365662 A / N MOHD MUKTI SYAHALI OR WESTERN UNION A/N MUHAMMAD MUKTI SYAHALI

Our business principle is to provide maximum benefit not only for customers but also all people . Values ​​that we hold dear is customer excellence and blessing and mercy and compassion for all beings , God willing , Amen .